
Social Policies Services Directorate, department within the Ministry of Labour and Social Justice, which ensures the coordination of Government ‘s social assistance policies’ implementation, respectively the social services regulations and financing, which cooperates with national and international institutions and bodies in order to increase the social services’ quality, in complementarity social benefits, but also with other services of general interest.

Social Policies Services Directorate (SPSD) has, in its organisational chart, two services:

  • Accreditation, monitoring, methodologies and programs for social services
  • Social inclusion, social inovation and international bodies programs

The main objectives of SPSD are:

  1. to establish an efficient, quality social services system, accessible to all, correlated with the social assistance benefits and active measures, to prevent and fight the risks or situations that can lead to social exclusion;
  2. to promote public policies for elderly’s social assistance, in the context of the accelerated demographic aging process;
  3. to develop the institutional capacity to ensure systematic monitoring, evaluation, analysis and prognosis of indicators in the field of social assistance, as well as to achieve strategic planning and to establish the most effective policies and programs in the field;
  4. to increase the social assistance system’s performance by promoting competence and quality of the staff employed;
  5. to strengthen the social inclusion mechanism and to develop the social inclusion indicators’ system.

According to the provisions of the Organization and Functioning Regulation of Ministry of Labour and Social Justice (MLSJ), approved by Minister’s Order no. 1945 of November 23, 2017, the direction fulfills over 60 distinct tasks, among which there are the following:

  • coordinates the social services system in accordance with the responsibilities established by the relevant legislation;
  • identifies the social services development priorities, by beneficiaries categories and types of needs based on which it drafts public policies, strategies and social programs targeting elderly, homeless people, as well as people and families affected by poverty / vulnerability;
  • develops the legal framework for the organization and development of the social services system and monitors its compliance by social service providers, as part of the national social assistance system, including public policies, strategies and proposals for unitary development of the national social assistance system;
  • identifies solutions to make measures in the field of social services for disadvantaged groups more efficient;
  • licenses social service providers for all categories of beneficiaries and social services in its area of competence (elderly, homeless people, young people in difficulty, vulnerable people with different addictions, victims of human trafficking, asylum seekers and people who received a form of protection in Romania, other categories of people in need);
  • monitors and controls the compliance with the legal provisions on quality assurance in the field of social services;
  • registers all social services accreditation files, regardless of the category of beneficiaries to whom they are addressed;
  • administers the Unique electronic register of social services regulated by art. 8 of the Law no.197 / 2012 on quality assurance in the field of social services, with subsequent amendments;
  • elaborates programs of national interest for the development of social services, methodological guides or operational manuals for their implementation;
  • participates in the annual selections in order to grant subsidies from the state budget, for associations and foundations;
  • proposes inspection themes for the preparation of the Annual Monitoring and Control Plan of the National Agency for Payments and Social Inspection on social services and public and private social services providers;
  • develops policies and programs on long-term care, including the creation of a unified long-term care system;
  • monitors the implementation of strategies on the development of social services by local public administration authorities;
  • develops the minimum quality standards for social services for elderly, homeless people, people and families affected by poverty;
  • develops the cost standards for social services for elderly;
  • ensures the relationship with non-governmental bodies and private profit entities in order to support and promote social inclusion, social innovation and social responsibility activities;
  • coordinates methodologically the activity of the public social assistance services at the territorial level and cooperates on a regular basis with the local public administration authorities;
  • develops national reports on social inclusion, drafts recommendations and proposals to make decision-making more effective in the field of social inclusion;
  • ensures the functioning of the technical secretariats of the national / interministerial commissions, organized according to the law, in its field of activity;
  • develops and / or participates in the development, implementation and monitoring of social inclusion area support programs;
  • develops documents on the implementation of the Europe 2020 Strategy, flagship initiatives and other programs transposed into national legislation;
  • develops and implements programs and projects with external funding.


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